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A medical student

A psychiatrist drop out

A con-artist

A stripper

Oh and lets not forget the newest addition, me..

A run away

Allison Darling isn't exactly a goody two shoes(at all) but she's not a trouble make either, at least not until her and and her best friend Jasmine are together, then all hell breaks loose.


Blake Drayton on the other hand is the school's bad boy and doesn't care about his rep. People know not to bother him, and that he never settles down for one girl.


Blake and Allison have never crossed paths before but now because of a pink song, a forgotten stop sign, and a bang they'll fall into an enemy with benefits relationship. But with all relationships, loving ones or hateful ones, comes consequences.


Title changed to "The Song, The Sign, The Player" as of May 19,2013 used to be "The Bad Boy Is My Ride"

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